
Celebs Speech @ HYPER Movie Trailer Launch

Posted : September 23, 2016 at 10:52 pm IST by ManaTeluguMovies


Watch Celebs Speech @ HYPER Movie Trailer Launch

Ram Speech
Raashi Khanna Speech
Hero Nani Speech
Murali Sharma Speech
Prabhas Seenu Funny Speech
Ramajogayya Sastry Speech
Harish Shankar Speech
Santosh Srinivas Speech


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Jr. NTR’s “Devara”: Release Date Preponed, Poised for Box Office Glory

Posted : June 14, 2024 at 11:52 am IST by ManaTeluguMovies

In news that will electrify legions of fans, the release date for Jr. NTR’s upcoming cinematic extravaganza, “Devara,” has been moved forward by a significant two weeks. Initially scheduled to hit theaters on October 10th, the film’s makers have unveiled a brand new release date – September 27th. This exciting update comes as a delightful surprise for fans eagerly awaiting NTR’s return to the silver screen in a powerful role.

This strategic shift by the “Devara” team appears to be a well-calculated move. Whispers within the industry suggest that the release of another highly anticipated film, “OG” starring Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, is likely to be postponed, leaving the September 27th slot vacant. Capitalizing on this opportune moment, the makers of “Devara” have taken the decisive step of bringing their film to audiences earlier. This strategic maneuver positions “Devara” for a potentially explosive box office performance, particularly considering the upcoming festive season that follows its release.

With anticipation already at an intense high, this earlier release date promises a cinematic experience for fans even sooner. This strategic move has the potential to set the stage for a record-breaking opening, further solidifying “Devara” as a major motion picture event.

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