In a groundbreaking move that brings science fiction closer to reality, a Japanese firm has unveiled a novel invention dubbed the Human Washing Machine, poised to revolutionize the way we maintain personal hygiene. This innovative machine, developed by Science Co. in Osaka, promises to cleanse an individual in merely 15 minutes, mirroring the experience of being in a fighter jet cockpit. The device operates by immersing the user in a transparent plastic capsule filled with warm water, followed by the emission of high-speed water jets. These jets release microscopic bubbles, measuring a mere three micrometers, to vigorously dislodge dirt from the skin, offering a thorough and efficient cleaning process.
Notably, the concept of a Human Washing Machine isn’t entirely new. The idea was first materialized 50 years ago by Sanio Electric Co. (now known as Panasonic) during the Japan World Expo in 1970. However, the latest iteration from Science Co. boasts significant advancements, including an increased number of massage balls for a more relaxing experience.
Beyond its primary cleaning function, the machine is meticulously designed to enhance mental and emotional well-being during use. It achieves this by gathering vital information about the user’s body and employing artificial intelligence to discern their mood. Depending on whether the individual appears calm or agitated, the machine selects and displays videos within the pod to either soothe or entertain them.
This pioneering technology is currently undergoing experimental trials, with 1,000 guests invited to test it at the Osaka Kansai Expo. Following these trials, Science Co. plans to initiate mass production of the machine, as reported by The Daily Mail. The introduction of such technology underscores the innovative spirit of Japanese companies and represents a significant leap forward in personal care and wellness technologies.