Versatile actor Rajendra Prasad is busy with the promotions of a new web series titled Harikatha. The series is creating a special interest among everyone. Meanwhile, speaking at the pre-release event of the series, he passed some comments on Allu Arjun’s portrayal of Pushpa. Although Rajendra Prasad did not take name, he said, “Today, hero is a smuggler.”
A lot of people found it objectionable that Rajendra Prasad passed such comments despite having a good bond with with Allu Arjun. Later, in another interview, he issued a clarity on his comments.
“I am actually happy that a Telugu actor received a National Film Award after these years. But, my comments are portrayed negatively. The context is entirely different. I was trying to tell that I am not a regular hero. The hits of mine had me portraying roles who are good for nothing. Be it Ladies Tailor, or Appula Apparao or April 1 Vidudala, the characters are not hero materials.
In the same context, I tried to tell that heroes are the characters around us and even Pushpa had one on similar lines,” clarified Rajendra Prasad. Rajendra Prasad made sense with his comments but the tone in which he told it earlier did not go well with many.