
Satrirical Posts On PM Modi Attire In Kedarnath Yatra Becomes Viral

Posted : May 20, 2019 at 7:09 pm IST by ManaTeluguMovies

Watch Satrirical Posts On PM Modi Attire In Kedarnath Yatra Becomes Viral


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Release Strategies Spice Up South Indian Cinema: The Saturday and Monday Mantras

Posted : June 15, 2024 at 1:28 pm IST by ManaTeluguMovies

South Indian cinema is witnessing a unique trend in promotional strategies, with filmmakers employing specific release days to pique audience interest.

Natural Star Nani, known for his innovative approach, is leading the charge with his upcoming film titled “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” (Isn’t Saturday Enough?). Nani’s strategy revolves around releasing all film updates, including announcements, teasers, and songs, exclusively on Saturdays. This consistent approach has created a sense of anticipation among fans, who eagerly await each Saturday for the next exciting piece of information.

Manchu Vishnu, another prominent figure in South Indian cinema, is taking a similar route for his upcoming film “Kannappa.” Inspired by Nani’s strategy, Vishnu has chosen Mondays for all promotional releases. This decision aligns perfectly with the film’s theme, as Vishnu portrays the character of Kannappa, a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. Mondays hold special significance for devotees of Lord Shiva, making it a resonant choice for generating buzz.

Vishnu’s film, “Kannappa,” promises to be a visual spectacle, boasting impressive action sequences and a star-studded cast featuring cameos from the likes of Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, Mohanlal, and Kajal Aggarwal. The makers plan to unveil the actors’ looks and specific roles throughout July, culminating in a release by the end of 2024.

This strategic use of release days reflects the growing importance of audience engagement in the promotional cycle. By associating their films with specific days, Nani and Vishnu are creating a sense of ritual and anticipation, effectively keeping their projects at the forefront of fans’ minds. The success of these strategies will likely inspire other filmmakers to explore similar creative approaches in the future.

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